At Orchard Dental Group, we are committed to ensuring your oral health and comfort. To support this goal, we offer a variety of mouth guards, including sports mouth guards, also known as athletic guards. These specialized mouth guards are designed to protect your teeth and oral tissues while you engage in sports and other physical activities, safeguarding your smile from potential injuries.

Sports mouth guards are especially crucial for individuals participating in high-contact sports like wrestling, football, hockey and rugby. However, they offer benefits to athletes across various disciplines, including soccer, basketball and baseball, and are even beneficial for athletes who participate in individual activities such as rock climbing or running. Regardless of the sport, a sports guard can be a valuable tool in maintaining your smile’s safety.

While there are several types of athletic mouth guards available, our dentist and team recommend custom-made mouth guards for the most effective protection. Custom mouth guards are tailored to fit your unique dental anatomy, ensuring a comfortable and secure fit. They are adept at preventing dental injuries such as knocked-out or chipped teeth, as well as safeguarding the soft tissues of the mouth, including the tongue, lips, cheeks and gums.

The health of your smile is our top priority, and we encourage you to reach out to our office today at 951-279-4333 for more information about sports mouth guards in Corona, California, and how they can benefit you. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you schedule an appointment with Dr. Reza Baharloo.