You may notice that your teeth have become dull or stained over time. We can help! Dr. Reza Baharloo offers professional teeth whitening in Corona, CA, using the powerful Zoom whitening system to remove the stains and discolorations on your teeth and give you a brighter smile.

What Is Zoom Teeth Whitening?

Zoom teeth whitening is a highly sought-after cosmetic dental procedure that can dramatically enhance your smile’s appearance. This safe and efficient treatment employs a potent whitening gel that is carefully applied to the surface of your teeth, effectively reducing the visibility of stains, discoloration and yellowing on the tooth enamel. The results can be astonishing, often delivering a significantly whiter smile in just one session.

Here at Orchard Dental Group, we understand the importance of a radiant smile and offer both in-office and take-home Zoom teeth whitening options to cater to your preferences and schedule. Our professional teeth whitening service is not only a boost for your self-esteem but also a step towards smiling with confidence.

What Leads to Tooth Discoloration

If you have ever wished for a brighter, more attractive smile, Zoom teeth whitening may be the ideal solution for you. It is effective in combatting a range of discoloration factors, including those caused by:

  • The natural aging process
  • Inadequate oral hygiene
  • The consumption of staining substances like coffee, tea, wine and tobacco products
  • Certain medications or medical conditions
  • Fluorosis
  • And more!

Our experienced cosmetic dentist will collaborate with you to determine the most suitable treatment plan and duration to achieve your desired smile aesthetics. To learn more about Zoom teeth whitening in Corona, California, and take the first step towards a whiter, more radiant smile, please contact our office today at 951-279-4333 for a consultation. Your journey to a brighter smile begins here.

Zoom Teeth Whiteneing special in Corona, CA

Zoom Teeth Whitening FAQ

What is Zoom whitening and how does it work?

Zoom whitening is a professional teeth whitening treatment that uses advanced LED light technology to accelerate the bleaching process, offering visible results in just one session. At Orchard Dental Group, we apply a hydrogen peroxide-based gel to your teeth, which is then activated by the Zoom LED light to break down stains and discoloration. The entire procedure takes about 90 minutes and can make your teeth up to eight shades lighter.

Is Zoom whitening safe?

Yes, Zoom whitening is a safe and effective method for brightening your smile when performed by a professional. Our cosmetic dentist ensures that your gums and mouth are protected throughout the process. This treatment has been extensively tested and is one of the most popular and trusted whitening methods available today.

How long do the results last?

The results of Zoom whitening can last for one to three years, depending on your personal habits. To extend the whiteness, avoid staining substances like coffee, tea, red wine, and tobacco. Regular brushing, flossing and follow-up visits to our office can help maintain your bright smile.

How much does Zoom whitening cost?

At Orchard Dental Group, we believe in transparent pricing for all our treatments. The cost of Zoom whitening in Corona, California, can vary depending on your specific case and the degree of whitening desired. We offer competitive rates and can provide you with a detailed cost breakdown during your consultation. Remember, investing in your smile can boost your confidence and oral health.

Who is a good candidate for Zoom whitening?

Ideal candidates for Zoom whitening are individuals who have healthy, unrestored teeth and are looking for a quick way to brighten their smile. This treatment is particularly effective for removing stains caused by food, drink, aging or smoking. During your initial consultation, Dr. Baharloo will assess your dental health and discuss whether Zoom whitening is the best option for you.

What are the side effects?

Some patients may experience temporary sensitivity during or after the Zoom whitening treatment. This sensitivity is usually mild and subsides within a few days. At our office, we take steps to minimize discomfort and can recommend solutions for managing sensitivity.

How can I schedule a Zoom whitening appointment?

Ready to brighten your smile? Scheduling your appointment at Orchard Dental Group is simple. Call us today at 951-279-4333 to book your whitening session with our cosmetic dentist. Let us help you achieve a dazzling smile with our professional whitening services.